
The year 2016 will be bringing some exciting changes for Lovely by Liz Photography. The first being that I will no longer be offering CDs with all my Photography Packages. Instead, your images will now be available for Download via a Private Online Gallery that is password protected for your Security. Your edited image files and print release are still included, it’s just a different format of delivering them to you. I am doing this for 3 main reasons:

  1. CHANGING TECHNOLOGY: I upgraded to a New Computer in 2016, which is awesome for improving my editing and workflow speed in 2016! However, my new computer does not have a CD burner, like the majority of new computer models this year. So in order to burn CDs I would have to outsource them or transfer the edited files from each session from my new computer to my old computer and burn the CD there. Seems like more work than it’s worth.
  2. CDS ARE TIME CONSUMING: I know it might seem like burning a CD and dropping it in the mail takes no time at all, but in reality its quite the process. All my CD envelopes are handmade by me and personalized to each client. Burning, Designing, Personalizing, Packing and Mailing each CD takes approximately 2 hours of my time. Removing CDs will speed up the amount of time it takes for clients to get their images and save me a lot of extra work.
  3. SAVING CLIENTS MONEY & CONSERVING RESOURCES: The amount of paper, envelopes, stamps, labels.. etc. needed for CDs is costly and wasteful as I find most clients end up just adding the files to their computer, ordering their prints online and tossing the CD in a drawer, never to be seen again. I considered including a USB drive to replace the CDs, but in order to do that I would have to raise prices to cover the added cost, which I wanted to avoid. It seems like removing the CD from the mix will be easier and save money for everyone.

I will however offer Personalized USB drives as an add-on for clients that would prefer to still receive their images on a medium other than a virtual download. USB’s can be purchased for a $55 fee. So for those of you that prefer to take your images to a lab personally rather than online, this will be a great alternative for you!

Thank you to everyone for your business and for understanding the reasoning behind this change. I look forward to working with you all in 2016!

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